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Ice Cold Fatty

A large balloon filled with nitrous oxide often sold in concert parking lots or festivals.

A whippet.

Nitrous Mafia: Who wants an Ice Cold Fatty? $5 Each or 5 for $20.

by Psychedelic Andy June 2, 2009

48๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold pocket

1) something that is weak or uncool

2) an impetent penis

dude that chick stripped for him and he still had a cold pocket...

man that new song is so cold pocket

by arty ziff July 4, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

cold face

it can mean a person is really fugly or really hot, depending on the person.

Guy 1: "Dude, Gabby asked me out. What should I do?"
Guy 2: "Say fuck no, man! She's a cold face!"

by ZVW-Jen January 31, 2010

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Cold Shadow

Supreme douchebag of douchebagginess. Wishes he was as cool as the people he tries to make fun of.

you: Dude, you're such a Cold Shadow.

other guy: Ohh shit, son! I'm gonna commit suicide now.

by You know it, CS December 31, 2004

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Cold War Kids

Some awesome melo band with some jazzy vocals, and sexy bass lines.

Hear hang me up to dry by the cold war kids.

by Melancholia August 23, 2008

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Baby it's cold outside

1. To slip them a mickey. To drug their beverage. To roofie them. What's this in my drink?

2. The only valid response "what's this in my drink?", "why is the van moving?", and "am I being kidnapped?"

3. A phrase to be said whenever the topic of kidnapping or the drugging of beverages is relevant.

Mary: Dan will never love me back! What can I do to make him love me?
Sarah: Baby it's cold outside him. Boys love that.

Taro: Where the hell am I? Why am I tied up?
Ayano: Baby, it's cold outside..~

Kotonoha: So apparently friend Yuno slipped pills in her man's coke, tied him up, and fed him beef stew and called it "a date".
Yuri: Baby it's could outside.

by sandikun December 6, 2019

cold hard facts

Facts without anything added to make them more pleasant or interesting.

Facts that are devoid of any emotions, the blatant irreversible truth.

Nobody asked you to spit cold hard facts in this chat. Calm down.

by Atlanta Footwear April 24, 2021