When you give a blow job and cough the cum all over
Sally gave Jack a blow job and still had lasting affects from COVID when he came in her mouth she coughed and the cum went everywhere. Jack then called what she did COVID cough drop because her COVID cough made cum drop everywhere.
When you get fired because Covid tanked your company.
Yo! I had this sweet gig at Neiman Marcus. Then their business tanked. I got me a Covid-cation!
When pregnant women in Malta could not travel overseas to get an abortion, which is a crime locally, during the coronavirus pandemic, thus forcing them to order abortion pills from abroad to terminate the pregnancy.
Unlike divorce and same-sex marriage which are legal in Catholic Malta, abortion poses a challenging time for Maltese pregnant women during the Covid-🇲🇹 crisis.
Referring to the plastic or PVC transparent door curtains most commonly found at the entrance to varying commercial and public spaces. Although initially designed to keep out unwanted insects , in the age of the global pandemic, these curtains or "flaps" encourage a significantly higher risk of viral contagion due to their large surface area which, by design, requires the skin contact of the hand, arm or in some cases face in order to operate.
Due to the inherent dankness of such threshold systems in the topical context has led to their addition to the cannon of COVID related catch phrases.
First coined in Wellington, New Zealand in late 2020 by local social personality, Rohanah Sos.
"Don't touch the Covid Flaps, Honey"
When people do ridiculous things because covid restrictions are lifted.
You see them stripping in the park? That’s Covid-AF!
Similar to the “Freshman 15” pounds gained during the first year of college, refers to the 19 pounds gained from gorging during the Covid-19 lockdown.
I gained the Covid-19 thanks to all the baked desserts, boozing and casseroles during the first 3 months of lockdown.