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female d-head

basically a female with a d on her head. you know what I'm saying right?😏🍆

Kid: Hey Mum I saw a girl with a Female D-head on her head
Mum: 😳 Excuse me!? To your room now

by 🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride B1tches July 8, 2021

Handsome female


Person one: I’m girly but I like to be called handsome

Person two: oh your a handsome female

by F4.3uph0ri4 September 19, 2021

Bara Female

1. A muscular woman

2. A mature woman with mature features who has an ara ara voice

3. A minor who looks well over their 20s

Person 1: Eula's such a baddie, if only she were my wife!

Person 2: You know she's 14, right?

Person 1: Zamn... It's always the bara females. Off to jail I go.

by uglybastardimpregnator February 13, 2023

Female choad

Amy has a booty

Amy has a booty Female choad on her bum. Female choad on her bum. Choad . Female

by Bobybo July 9, 2018

Female bassist

Most common in the alternative metal scene. Female bassist are/where in bands like coal chamber, the smashing pumpkins, and white zombie

Sean ysealt, nadja peulen, rayna foss, and chela ray Harper are the best female bassists

by Nascarfan2007 January 25, 2023

female anxiety

The 1:1 relationship between the complex numbers wave-function collapses in the triene-function and the internal corners of the hypermodular Fauvic point.

The fear a woman had that her son will become a property owner.

The lines running between the wave-function collapses and the Fauvic corners are black.

Female anxiety is a mother's sexual fear about son.

The son will experience this anxiety as scarcity-in-a-supply-chain rather than competition in the mode-of-patriarchy.

by flightfacilities May 13, 2022

mayonnaise female

Yoghurt male, but female

-Wow she's so cool and real, she's def a yoghurt male
-nah man she got a vagayjay she fo sho a mayonnaise female bruh

by Hotgirl826 June 29, 2024