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Clown Food

The act of eating nothing but sweets, lolly pops, fizzy drinks, anything colourful and/ or bad for you.

Girl 1- ' hey, are you going to share those skittles and maltesers' ?

Girl 2- ' sure, i have enough clown food to last me all day'

by unico2525 September 2, 2010

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space food

1: food that you eat when you're totally fucked up on nice stuff like... weed

2: that crap you used to get as a small gift that was supposed to be like astronaut food

dude.. I got the munchies... pick me up some space food -or- damn yo this space food shizat is like ja rule

by Tim Wochomurka July 10, 2003

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Food Erosion

When instead of having a specific portion of food, you keep chipping away at it, usually evenly around the edges, making the portion smaller, while not accepting that you are having some.

What happened to this cake? I swear it was bigger a minute ago. Looks like food erosion.

by cab callaway July 23, 2010

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food yard

A place where you can get food and eat, often populated by UMBC students. See foodsmith

I'm hungry as shit. Let's go walk on these sidewalk paths that make no sense and eat at the food yard. Hopefully the hamburger guy who yells a lot isn't there.

by Stealth Rabbi January 26, 2005

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food cut

Well presented item...

"yo, that packaging was a mad food cut"

by jessecobra July 24, 2004

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Food Babies

When you've ate so much food it looks like your pregnant.. hence food babies

I've ate soooo much, I totally have food babies

by vampiricprincess June 5, 2010

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When you eat vast quantities of food all at once and you feel like you're belly has grown as if you are carrying a baby. The feeling of having gained weight suddenly can also accompany a food-baby.

Person 1: "Hey Brian, have you tried some of that soup?"
Brian: "I would love too, my I already ate too much. My stomach feels massive and i feel bloated."
Person 1:"Good for you for trying all that food, but I think you have a food-baby."

by Elfiepie December 18, 2013

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