a man with glasses but never wears them, creator of the gerlurkin method, and avid lean sipper.
yo! did yall see my new 'Glasses Dylan' style merch?!? LEAN madness!!
Where every deep conversation with your homies goes down
Remember the conversation at the glass table last night?
When you play whit you're eyeglasses example inserting them into anus, vagina, nostrils, urethra in a mans penis.
Glasses play can also be licking them or licking the partners peeing on them and ejaculating.
It’s a thing that the most hardcore glasses fetishized people like to do.
Glasses play is when you put glasses into a place on you’re body where it isn’t supposed to be.
Cum from a guy that only ejaculates in short spurts and tastes bad
Finally went down on the dude the other night, but he had some broken glass shit going on. Total turn off.
Typicaly found on the one man one jar website. It is widely considered to be a sexual experience
I slid down onto the glass. But the glass shattered and the broken glass got stuck in my rectum
That guy who fear mongers in every comment section of someone squatting or deadlifting, saying that "you're gonna end up like Ronnie Coleman".
They think that spinal flexion == bad, because humans are obviously not biomechanically designed to pick up objects with any degree of spinal flexion.
They probably heard it from some stooge influencer or personal trainer; neither they nor he know what they're talking about.
Probably can't even pick up 225 lbs from the ground.
Wait until glass backs realize that you can actually build a strong and resilient back through squats, deads and proper load management
The sexual act of placing your testicles over a girl's eyes, where she can only see your sack and giving the impression of glasses.
Jack: Man, this girl I was with wouldn't suck my dick, so when she was asleep, I hit her with some sack glasses.
Dave: Nice! But why not go with the dirty sanchez?