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The saying Charlie Sloth plays on his sound board in Fire in The Booth.

Charlie Sloth:MAD TING *plays sound effect for lets get ready to rumble* LETS GRT READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

by nowwe October 27, 2020

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Lets give him a Hitler!

To wipe shit under an unsuspecting victims nose in the shape of Adolf Hitlers famous mustache. This is a great way to prank that guy who always falls a sleep too soon at a party. This will leave a stinky suprise for him when he wakes up!

Sam: Hey Nate, check it out, Kyle fell asleep already!
Nate: Oh my god dude lets fuck with him!
Sam: Yeah! What should we do?
Nate: I know dude! Lets give him a Hitler!

by T dizzle916 April 16, 2008

38πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

Who let Polly out?

To fart in a crowded area.

Person 1: Can anyone smell that??

Person 2: Yeah that stinks!!!

Person 1: Who let Polly out?? ... who ever it is has dropped and gone!!

by Hihohessy September 28, 2009

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Let's get this bread gamers

A day were you secure that bag(bread)

Fellow gamer: did you know it's national let's get this bread gamers day

Non gamer: nah I didn't cuz

by Big 9 from da hood April 14, 2019

5πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Let’s play amoung us

It means when you want to have sex with a guy that looks fine and shit in their mouth

Rylee β€œHey let’s play amoung us”
Siyabonga β€œsure when my girlfriend leaves”

by Boi 3333444 June 2, 2021

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

let's blow this popsicle stand!

Legend has it that this term was first coined in the 1940's by a Jamaican named Antoine Cleo. Antoine Cleo believed that filling the area of a popsicle with deadly radiation, could be used against certain countries as biological warfare. He believed that the radiation had certain brainwashing chemicles inside of it and that placing the popsicles at stands at random areas could allow more people to buy the popsicles, thus was his plan for world domination.

However, his plans were soon foiled when a strange cult called the Kindred Spirits (The Cult leader was Later identified as a man named Dushka Deshvky) blew up all the popsicle stands in America, including killing the perpetrator, Antoine Cleo.

"Lets blow this popsicle stand" was then started as an inside joke between 4 teenagers, then it spread throughout the United States, the phrase from then on meant, "Lets get out of here fast, before something bad happends to us."

Now maybe after hearing this, we can walk away a little wiser about what this phrase means.

Source: Evil minds of the 1900's.

by Not Zane July 23, 2004

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Let's Green Egg and Ham it

How Shaq raps; terribly.
From the movie Kazaam

Let's Green Egg and Ham it

by Kazaampwner December 4, 2010

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