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who lives in a pineapple under the sea

The first line of the Spongebob Squarepants opening theme. Also a pretty dank meme.

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants!

by Beeg Yoshi October 17, 2017

69πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Six Cruel Hours Of Our Lives

School, you expected it didn’t you.

P1: We’re going to school.
P2: That’s just six cruel hours of our lives.

by XxAmogus69 January 25, 2022

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

live fast, die last

To live life reckless and careless to have a good time, but not so careless or reckless where you put yourself in danger or others.

Bro 1 "Yo bro. I think Imma get a tattoo"
Bro 2 "What are you gonna get bro"
Bro 1 "Live Fast, Die Last"
Bro 2 "What does that mean"
Bro 1 "Means livin life having a good time but not dying in the process"
Bro 2 "Sick bruh"
Bro 1 "I know bruh"

by Geekwired August 3, 2021

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Living the white man's dream

A care free, content lifestyle. Needing nothing.

How's it going? Not bad! Living the white man's dream.

by #1Murse July 22, 2017

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

zero reasons two live

when you cant say how all the reasons to life so you say this

i have zero reasons two live

by miata real October 28, 2020

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i make memes for living

(n): A Facebook-based meme page that provides only the greatest and most offensive memes on the planet

1. Posts are often deleted, due to kids that get "triggered"

2. The insensitivity of memes displayed on "i make memes for living" is what real memes are all about

Tom: Wow, that's a great meme stash you got going there!

George: Nothing will be as great as "i make memes for living" , but this is a start.

by LordMeme69 December 20, 2016

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Rape over xbox live

The act of being shot in an xbox live shooter game over an xbox live connection in a way to suggest that you had just sexually violated another xbox live player.

Phil: Dude I totally just raped you over xbox live from like all the way across the map!

Bobby Tambourine: No Phil, no you didn't rape over xbox live. Unless your virtual guy has a 5GB long virtual cock and he some how managed to penetrate me through my virtual forehead then you did not rape over xbox live.

Phil: Yes I did.

by Bobby Tambourine May 24, 2009

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