An inflatable fuckfest to you through the TSA lines or HOV lines on the way to work. This durable “washable” inflatable life size a promo ally correct life like Pillow will sure to be a hit at all your upcoming events; whether your at home ,travel or just having dinner with your parents and need a date. She or he or it will get you through it.
While at jury duty I was so stressed I had to relieve myself with cumpanion pillow. The judge and other jurors objected. But I susStained and finished
A pound of marijuana ( a vacuum sealed bag, representing a pillow )
" bro, you think your buddy has a fluffy pillow left at his crib?"
when your balls get smaller
person 1: hey bro i just jumped into the pool and i went cold pillow
person 2: thats to much information bro
Two friends who have dated the same person
Isn’t it awkward between Maya and Taylor? I mean they have the same ex.
Nah don’t worry those two are pillow buddies.
When a woman just lays their during sex and does nothing
That bitch is a pillow head no fun at all
A person on cocain pillows Like the items women use to apply powder to there face
Bob "Yo Hows you dad"
Germain "Not good man he's a pillow head"
Bob "Oh that sucks"
The act of swapping zyn pouches mid make out
I finally met that baddie and immediately started lip pillow swappin witta biiihh