The musty "water" collected from the loins of a very fat hog.
During an episode of "Pawn Shop" Chumly washed down his normal lunch of lard and mayo, he washed in down with a tall glass of snatch water.
Front snatch used in military terms for front land rover. But more often used the vaginal space on the female human.
Get in the front snatch!!. So you run and dive in head first for both examples.
The American Apple Snatch is when you insert red white and blue glitter and an apple into your foreskin, then you stroke yourself until ejaculation. However, before ejaculation you snatch the apple out of your urethra and watch as the glitter flies out.
Last night I gave myself an exquisite American Apple Snatch
An American Apple Snatch is when you put red white and blue glitter into you urethra, then an apple is inserted and you begin to stroke yourself by yanking on the apple stem, and before you ejaculate you snatch the apple out then your penis will blast the glitter out.
Last night I gave myself an American Apple Snatch, and it was exquisite.
A woman that is both loose and slutty.
There was a faint taste of Doritos in her undies. I mustn’t have been the only one to open up Pandora’s snatch today.
Snatching meaning Lying in dmv
Joe: I just got this girl number
Me: Stop snatching