him: she’s got massive tits
her; oh yeah that’s mya taylor
A nice guy; talkative; social butterfly; can be sweet but also have a temper
Her: How's your boyfriend
Her; He isn't a Ty Taylor
Taylor is an amazing person with a big heart. She is mostly nice but if you get on her bad side your dead. Anyone who is friends with her should consider themselves lucky. She is a outstanding athlete and a great person
Taylor labella is beautiful and an amazing friend
An enema in which the liquid used is ketchup.
A Taylor special is for people who love ketchup.
A man who is large in dominance, and knows how to perfectly pleasure the depths of my rose.
Taylor Mays just has to give me one look and I know it's time to bend over.
That sauce. Some call it THOT juice some call it Grape Henny. Sip it with the homies. Sip it with your Mom. Sip it with women. Guaranteed a good ass night.
*Veterans enjoy it chilled*
It's a Port wine made to compliment desserts with it's astounding 18% alcohol.
New comer: " Yo that Taylor Port had me going"
Adept drinker: " Told you that T.P. is the shit"
Adept drinker: "Real niggas chase Henny with this"
New comer: "Oh man, I don't know if I can keep up."
Adept drinker: "You never will"