One who is interested in any sex that gives him or her attention.
My mother is a bi-attentionseeker.
A term used by previous Generations to describe the FEELINGS of THIS generation.
This new Generation is Bi-schizo-trans-tard-phobic!
Famous word for two best friends and it means the whole world to them and to everyone have a good day everyone whoya roast
Hi Chicken leg bis🤫🧚 ♀️
When you say you are Bi-sexual, but you are actually just gay. No getting around it.
“He’s not even Bi he's Diedrick-Bi”
Friend who is great wingman regardless of whether they have the same sexual preference as you.
The fact that Nick will act like he's interested in the friend, regardless of whether it's a girl or guy makes him the best bi-wingman ever!
Super-bi defines a person which occurs to only fuck other people in the ass. If the super-bi person gets fucked in the ass by another person she is deranked to bi.
A super-bi person is a privlaged one and on the top of the hunger chain.
Therefore only a male individual can be super-bi.
A: Have you heard from Matt? He fucked some of the cheerleaders and the football team, but only in the ass.
B: Wow he must be super-bi!
When someone flirts with you, then gives you the cold shoulder on and off.
"Are you and Cameron in a flirtationship or are you enemies?"
"I don't know he's bi-flirty"