Usually a nickname for a large breakfast containing bacon. Often found in 90% of American homes and 100% of homes on the Cook Islands.
"hey, what the fuck are you eating?"
"it's a breakfast bacon almighty, that's what!"
Black coffee and a few lines of coke
Didn't get home till 6am, had to be at work at 7, so a Cuban breakfast was definitely needed.
Inserting a mixture of rice and beans into a woman’s asshole, then letting her push out the contents into a breakfast bowl.
I made my girlfriend a cuban breakfast this morning. That shit was fire!
When you put way too much hot water in your oatmeal
Damn I put way too much water in this oatmeal now it’s just breakfast soup!
when a woman has her period and it's all over the breakfast.
"awwww man my girlfriend made breakfast soup." "awwww maaaaan!"
In order to avoid the awkwardness of having to use a new girlfriend/boyfriend's bathroom after spending the night, one will fervently offer to run out and get breakfast. The point of which is to use the bathroom at Starbucks, McDonald's, etc.
"Hey hun, do you want me to go out and get us some breakfast?" breakfast emergency, please say yes!
"No, that's okay. I'm not very hungry."
"Are you sure? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." oh shit! please say yes, please say yes
"No, I'm sure."
"But, if you don't eat you won't have any energy today."
Listen woman, you do not want me here in 5 minutes!!
"Alright, I'll be back in a few." Thank you Jesus!!
The wine on your nightstand that is leftover from the night before.
That breakfast wine was so good.