April 16th is national potato day! On this day, you will go around to random people and say “I like potatoes” to celebrate national potato day!
National Potato Day: On this day, we celebrate the rememberence of potatoes. Albert Johnson invented the potato (found it), on a farm in 1565.
February 4th is considered National Vibe Day by the Council of the Armchair Committee.
Hey, isn't tomorrow National Vibe Day?
Yeah, I think it is actually.
An anthem from the motherland
Guy 1: I will sing the Russian National Anthem
Guy 2: ok
Guy 1: Rossiya – svyashchennaya nasha derzhava.
Rossiya – lyubimaya nasha strana.
Moguchaya volya, velikaya slava –
Tvoio dostoyanye na vse vremena!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye
Bratsikh narodov soyuz vekovoi
Predkami dannaya mudrost' narodnaya!
Slav'sya, strana! My gordimsya toboi!
Ot yuzhnyh morei do polyarnogo kraya
Raskinulis' nashi lesa i polya.
Odna ty na svete! Odna ty takaya –
Khranimaya Bogom rodnaya zemlya!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye
Bratsikh narodov soyuz vekovoi
Predkami dannaya mudrost' narodnaya!
Slav'sya, strana! My gordimsya toboi!
Shirokii prostor dlya mechty i dlya zhizni.
Gryadushchiye nam otkryvayut goda.
Nam silu daiot nasha vernost' Otchizne.
Tak bylo, tak yest' i tak budet vsegda!
Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye
Bratsikh narodov soyuz vekovoi
Predkami dannaya mudrost' narodnaya!
Slav'sya, strana! My gordimsya toboi!
National Caitlin Day falls is a primarily US holiday that falls on December 23rd each year. This holiday celebrates Caitlin, who is beautiful and amazing, smart and sexy, fun and fantastic, and the overall best person around who everyone loves to spend time with. On national Caitlin day, we observe how fortunate we are to know and love Caitlin and celebrate with praise and disco balls.
National Caitlin Day is my favorite day of the year! I can’t wait to celebrate with her and Kiwi! It’s gonna be the best!
On the 9th of October you must use the pufferfish emoji atleast twice or else you get bad luck with pufferfish until the next October 9th
hey did you know its national pufferfish day? Remember 🐡🐡
Official Anthem used for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from 1944 to 1991. Most commonly used by American Middle School boys who have no clue what communism is.
Girl: My little 7th grade brother was blasting the National Anthem of The USSR at school the other day.
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On this day January 29th we celebrate all the cunts in the world :)
Hey man it’s January 29th… HAPPY NATIONAL CUNT DAY