Someone who sucks everyone’s dick in the hood. Will answer to “woodchuck or beaver” if called upon. These creatures usually have an std that goes unnoticed. They do it for free, because they know you’ll need money to pay for antibiotics.
Tosha was chippin wood in the hood yesterday. I knew it was her because I saw her ‘92 Suzuki Tracker parked on the corner. She will suck dick 24/7 if she could.
What you say when you are asking “where da homies at?”
Dude: *alone* where da hood at?
Da hood: sup
an inescapable hell were asian kids like to grab shotguns and start shooting innocent noobs for no particular reason
bobby: hey im gonna play Roblox Da Hood
those were bobbys last words, he died later that day
During a threesome a woman jerks off man, takes his cum in her mouth and then spits it on the 2nd person’s dick/vagina.
Wow John, we should reverse robin hood with David tonight, it’d be swell.
When it is all gucci in the hood despite all the socioeconomic and political problems currently existing in the hood.
I just accidentally tripped and fell in your girl's pussy!
Don't worry about it it's all gucci in the hood!
Disney Desendants
from the song Rotten to the core.
"They say I'm calis a low life hood"
When a dude rubs his taint on a ladies hood.
Mark, whilst rubbing his taint all over Mary's hood, made her cry out repeatedly, "taint my hood."