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bucket brigade

When two men "snoodle" and one ejaculates into the others penis and then that man then ejaculates both mens semen into another partner either orally, vaginally, or rectally.

Dirty Tina got a bucket brigade from the boys.

by Original Godzuka September 18, 2017

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Chum bucket

A bucket in which a male deposit his cum into and empty’s once a month

Hey Mitch have you empty your chum bucket yet?
Not yet still have another load to go

by Danning February 25, 2021

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Chum Bucket

When you cum in a girl when she’s having her period.

She was on the rag but I didn’t care and turned her into a chum bucket.

by Crons August 6, 2020

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Squat Bucket

a derogatory insult that can be used as an alternative for douche bag.

Man, my boss is being a totally squat bucket today he can suck my asshole.

by nikkikins28 April 25, 2011

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bucket eye

After a large quantity of alcohol has been consumed, one eye of the intoxicated person droops to half closed and looks as if they have been hit in the side of the head with a bucket.

Man, how much have you had to drink, cause you have some serious bucket eye

by ahar8514 July 16, 2010

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Bucket Getting

Noun : What a Bucket Getter does. The act of scoring points in basketball.

Nick: Man , Augie is taking over this game by bucket getting!!

by Augie Stanley September 27, 2012

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piss bucket

What the fuck

Tasty piss bucket

by BiggestNuttest October 11, 2021

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