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tesco turd

when one produces an extremely horse shoe shaped shit that is long enough to circumnavigate the bowl without breakage. there is also a worrying absence of shit rags!

B DOGGG: alex viner of 3 school street askam in furness curled out a fucking tesco turd! he fucking loved it

by B DOGG69 March 13, 2008

14๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

turd polish

turd polish the act of applying nice things to somthing that is a peice of crap in order to hide the fact it is a turd

tom bought a crappy car so puts {turd polish} spinners on it.

by sonicwarhawk December 7, 2005

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turd nugget

A disgusting snack during a movie. Originally came from a low cal chocolate bran flake bar eaten during the X-Men Origins movie. It caused such a disturbance that the viewers went into laughing comas.
Also a small bit of poop, about 1/10th the size of a regular turd.

1.Man these granola bars are turd nuggets.
2.Yesterday I had to crap so bad, but I only got out a turd nugget.

by pooperscooperdooper March 11, 2010

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turd burglar

One who steals turds from a toilet and keeps them in a dumpster.

J.B., being the master turd burglar, stole his own turds from his friends toilet and stored them in the dumpster outside.

by Teksystems September 2, 2003

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Someone who tries to open the bathroom stall door while you are inside.

I was trying drop a duece when some Turd-Burglar tried to bust in my stall!

by fallenaway August 30, 2008

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turd immunity

Often confused with "herd immunity" by people who don't want to get a vaccine even though they are able to get one. They believe that because most people around them get vaccines, they won't get it. Herd immunity works when the population that is able to receive vaccines gets them to protect people who are unable to get them(like infants), but it does not work if members of the population that is able to receive vaccines refuses them and tries to join the same class as babies and those with allergies.

Man 1: "Aren't you going to get the polio vaccine?"
Man 2: "Nah, I'll be protected by herd immunity"
Man 2: *crippled by polio*
Man 1: Turd immunity doesn't protect against shit.

by MissLadyGrim October 22, 2015

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rolling turd

A large recreational vehicle (R.V.).

"Why doesn't that stupid fuck store that rolling turd in the back instead of taking up six parking places and blocking the sun?"

by Ed U. Katid July 13, 2008

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