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what evs

a short form for the common term whatever.
It is normally used as a come back when you cannot think of a proper response.

Katie: So are you in love with that boy from school?
Haley: what evs.

by Dejhana September 30, 2006

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What's good?

"What's good?" is a greeting similar to "what's up?" or "how are you?" When asked "What's good at (name of a place)?" your reply might include what you're doing, how you're doing, anything of note about the place of interest , etc. "Nothin, chillin" is also an acceptable response, though some may look upon you as cold, uninterested, or simply unoriginal.

Ben: Kacey, What's good?
Kacey: Jay-Z is playing on campus and we're high as shit.

by alex_trebek June 19, 2009

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What's Up

An extremely annoying phrase used by people who have never heard of "hello." Usually people ask this when they are bored, expecting the person they're asking to entertain them.

Guy: what's up?
other guy: *sigh* stop trying to make me entertain you.

by The Ironic Geek August 19, 2015

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whats jewin

a morning salutation to a close friend thats jewish when you are not.

When Vic picked up the phone when Schlomo called him he said hey man Whats Jewin.

by fat bagger January 27, 2008

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Whats The flex?

What's going on?; whats happenin?

yo man whats the flex?

by Steveo90210 June 2, 2007

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What the fuzz

A censored version of What the Fu**.

Ryan: "F*** you, you piece of shit."
Garuna: "What the fuzz! I am going to murder you."

by Garuna February 2, 2009

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What Bitch

A Football manuver similar to a stiff arm, the difference is the timing. A normal Siff arm occurs during a run, while a ball carier attempt so avoid being tackled. A What Bitch occurs after a player catches a pass and then punches his defender in the helmet, as if to say "What Bitch?!"

"Did you just see Jake? That was a sweet what bitch."

by 764255 October 23, 2006

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