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Johnnie (noun): A well-meaning yet oblivious individual who possesses the uncanny ability to leave bath towels in a crumpled heap on the floor as if the towel rack were a forbidden artifact. Johnnies are often characterized by their insistence that “they were going to hang it up later” and their talent for denying all evidence of damp chaos. Known to strike fear into laundry baskets everywhere, a Johnnie can also be found opening every cabinet and leaving them ajar, like a reverse poltergeist.

Person #1

“Where do I hang my towel

Person #2
“Just Johnnie it into the washing basket

by Johnnie’s Towel February 28, 2025


Johnnie is a very pretty girl who loves to play sports. She has amazing friends and an amazing boyfriend. She usually fan girls over boys She can get annoying sometimes but at the end you still lover her.

Wow look at Johnnie

by Get a Johnnie April 11, 2019


Johnnie...wow this dude is literally the best guy in the world, but no one sees it and the only woman in his life should be named Lauren because she loves his giant cock

You see Lauren over there she needs a Johnnie

by Jason carlo October 16, 2019


Johnnie (noun): A well-meaning yet oblivious individual who possesses the uncanny ability to leave bath towels in a crumpled heap on the floor as if the towel rack were a forbidden artifact. Johnnies are often characterized by their insistence that “they were going to hang it up later” and their talent for denying all evidence of damp chaos. Known to strike fear into laundry baskets everywhere, a Johnnie can also be found opening every cabinet and leaving them ajar, like a reverse poltergeist.

Person #1

Where do you want me to hang my towel

Person #2
Just Johnnie it into the washing basket.

We don’t re-use towels here.

by JohnniesTowels February 28, 2025


AWildMonke man that shits on most of the stuff you do, but can be good at times if you're nice to him.

Shut up Johnnie.

by Cheeseboy121 May 27, 2021

johnny duracell

basically someone who is full of beans! Will keep your remote control running for years. definatley a Poser. Likes to go clubbing in the Garage and campus and will keep goin till the early hours of the morning! Likes coffee. Charming. Gets kicked out of clubs. Cousins girlfriends doesnt like him(YET). Loves pizza. Generous and likes to give to charity and gives time to other people. Gives his body to many people (unlucky in love :() thinks he made up yes or no, but really we did! HE bounces it better than most people....wooooooooooooo! Wearing a green t-shirt. bEST BUDS with JT :D thinks i have the best comfy handshake ever! only likes chips and cheese from diablero's.

johnny duracell can go all night!!!

by duracellbunny July 4, 2009

Bad Johnny

Bad Johnny is used as a cleaner replacement for "badass"

"Whoa dude! That was Bad Johnny!"

"Dude that new action movie looks so Bad Johnny"

by TheCrimsonFire June 24, 2017