What you get from getting with nasty women 🤢
Damn bro did you see who Cole got with? Nah but I’ve heard that bitch got a case of the river lip
When two smaller uncircumcised penises are locked together using their foreskin and a much larger penis is slammed down on them, breaking them apart and causing them all to ejaculate simultaneously.
Me and the homies got way too crazy last night. It all ended with a Snake River Dam Breaker.
Our foreman has such a river eye! Yesterday he was looking right at me and told me to pick that shovel up, two other dudes bent over to pick it up! OR Heidi Klum is HOT but she has that river eye...
A shitty group of casinos in Mississippi owned by the Choctaws. Known for its rude employees, tight slots, slow drinks and WASTED locals.
Man Pearl River Resort sucks, I'm going to the coast.
An act of draining the lizard with a partner. One partner sits down facing the tank of the toilet while the other proceeds to urinate down the first partners anal crevice.
Cousin Joey and I executed the Kentucky river valley cause granny only had one pisser.
The Specific water in the Mississippi River
I love drinking Mississippi River Pee it tastes like raw eggs