Pretty optimistic guys from Pittsburgh that are pretty chill that floss regularly and thrift heavily for random things such as harnesses and fish net jumpsuits. Rarely found without positive energy and plant-based dietary restrictions. Some times found in the Hamptons. Legalize weed everywhere.
Dang...that Social House song is stuck in my head!
When somebody is socially-unfit, they aren't mature/and or ready to be on the internet and or need to learn their manners on the internet.
Socially unfit, a person who is not ready for the internet, and or social media, who is unfit.
Subject: Can I have Discord?
Person: No, you are socially-unfit.
When all social activities of a group are authorized by a single person. This person permits the people invited, location of meeting, time of event, and activities of the event.
That crazy girl keeps social micromanaging me! I can't cut a break! Who cares who I eat lunch with???!! AHHHH!!!!
When you don’t socialise for a long time.
I can not wait to stop social hibernating and start socialising again.
When you are in a situation or conversation where your moral compass does not allow you to leave it, but the other person is not in possession of the social intelligence to read the room and notice your discomfort, nor able to acknowledge that their presence is unasked for.
My dad caught me in a social prison going on about the military but I didn't want to be rude and tell him to leave my room.
This mentally unstable guy caught me in a social prison the other day.
To commit an act that kills you social life.
example: tagging a crush, that you've never talked to, on a relationship post on facebook.
Aron just commit social suicide by tagging his crush on a valentines day post.
various aspects or branches of the study of human society, considered as an educational discipline
I hate my social studdies teacher.