Another genius "man-made" (Which I think is complete bollocks, but as of writing this, the authorities are keeping a strict watch on me, cancelling the opportunity to properly inform the masses how spoons were really discovered) invention.
It's an utensil; the kind of utensil to eat solid foods, or liquid foods that have solid stuff inside (like soups, but those don't exist so you shouldn't worry about it).
Back then, they were used in ceremonies to demonstrate utter dominance. Unfortunately, not many concepts that happen to be good stick around for too long, and in the modern day, everyone has access to them, which is utter bogus because it would be way funnier if only the rich could afford them.
There's also other utensils, which I will briefly (although not fondly) skim over;
1. Forks, which are like spoons, but directly downgraded to the point of not being able to recognize them. Multiple people think forks are a sign that human inventions should have their limits.
2. Sporks, which no one agrees with the existence of. Sporks are the unagreeable fusion of a spoon and a fork. No one takes sporks seriously, and it's only fair you do the same.
3. Knifes, which do not resemble forks or spoons, it's doing its own thing; you can't eat with it, but it makes eating stuff easier. It's confusing, which is why people prefer using knives to kill the unwanted cousin at the family reunion instead of using them to cut food.
You either die a spoon, or live long enough to see yourself become a spork
What Liam Payne used to be afraid of. He has, however, overcome this fear!
Liam: "I have a strange fear of spoons."
The Boys: *Laugh*
Harry: *Makes some sort of awkward spoon shape with his hand*
Liam: "Ever since I was little- *sees Harry's hand* that doesn't resemble a spoon at all"
the definition of a fork/ mobile home
Have yu ever traveled on a spoon before?
Really good at baseball, probably named Marissa or something
We replaced Marissa with tim without telling her because she’s a spoon
An eating utensil used to eat Ben and jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream when you're alone on a Saturday.
A nickname that is given in math class
Me: Hey Spoon
Spoon: Hey