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sarah with the ass

Gorgeous girl in dubai that goes to wso. All the guys wanna get with her and all the girls are jealous of her because of her amazing ass. Super pretty and funny: has tons of friends and is the best person to be around.

“Bro I really miss Sarah since she moved” “which one?” “Sarah with the ass, obviously”

by Anonimotyiskey November 29, 2018

3👍 1👎

Sarah Webb


That Sarah Webb chick is like the hottest person ever

by kalikookie June 21, 2015

3👍 1👎

sarah turner

sarah is beyond gorgeous!! shes funny like no other, sweeter than candy, her personality is like no other. she enjoys others company, but if you tick her off, she’ll slam ya hahaha. yes she’s aggressive sometimes, but she’s beyond kind, believe me. she’s intelligent, and is so unique in so many ways. her eyes are so entirely green but brown on the edges. when they’re in the sun, they gleam. her smile just makes u smile yourself. her laugh, makes everything funnier because it just makes u so happy. she’s always playing softball, or talkin to aiden. she loves to read and write and her writing skillz or very strong. not everyone likes sarah, but trust me, they are just jealous. if someone talks bad on sarah, someone is always there for her.

“Yo Sarah Turner is so fucking amazing, wishing she was single”

by Hauthoughtlmao17 November 23, 2018

4👍 2👎

Sarah Brewer

The fakest most braggy bitch from East Paulding High School. Failed a grade twice (dumb bitch lol). Thinks she's better than everyone else.

"Sarah Brewer is such a braggy. Like shut tf up, no one cares that your "daddy" got you a car"

by Yourmancallsmebabygirl November 30, 2019

3👍 1👎

Sarah G

Sarah is the most hilarious and fun-to-be-with person on the whole planet. Her cousin is so damn hot too. Sarah will be your best friend forever and is loyal but if you get on her bad side she’ll kill you lolz


by I’mSoSwag October 16, 2019

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To ignore a ho.

NB sarah-ed me and now my life sucks.

by Oscar cat March 19, 2019

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Sarah Palin

A common white trash just like Britney Spears or the Cake Fart Girl (Lisa Wogen), who use a body part other than their brains to become a me-me sensation. Just like the other three, won't miss any opportunity to embarrass themselves for a pinch of publicity. The only difference is that Lady Gaga actually got talent.

Sarah Palin and the Cake Fart Girl are talented trailer trash with lots of buzz and hype but no brains.

by Undostresmariah December 19, 2010

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