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Crew chief assistant

A bunch of dumbdumbs, with dumbdumb ideologies, dumbdumb meanings, and dumbdumb personalities. If the plane craches, its their fault

Oh! A crew chief assistant? Must be a dumbass

by ngjerseth November 4, 2020

Just spittin podcast crew

It’s a crew that is so powerful they could kill gods. Usually portrayed by SpongeBob characters. They are in a big war against the bee army

Hey have you seen that member of the just spittin podcast crew?

Yeah heard that they killed someone earlyer

by Triptix November 24, 2021

Pho Town Crew

People from Phoenix that move out of state tend to socialize strictly with other people from Phoenix, forming what is commonly referred to as "The Pho Town Crew." Some deem the Pho Town Crew as an epidemic as they have little personal identity, often wishing they were from a cooler place such as Southern California or Colorado. Members of the Pho Town Crew date exclusively within the crew; the males tend to swap girlfriends with alarming frequency. The Pho Town Crew travels everywhere together, especially at night when going out to bars or house parties. If one member of the Crew is invited to a party, typically 20 or more fellow members of the Pho Town Crew will show as well. While completely harmless, the Pho Town Crew can appear intimidating to from an outside point of view. Secretly, the Pho Town Crew is plagued with internal gossip and slandering due to the lack of fresh faces within the group.

Ah shit, here comes the Pho Town Crew. Who invited them?

by tinydancer69 March 5, 2012