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To backstab or betray someone

We been cool since childhood but he decided to cross me on some goofy shyt

by January 5, 2022



on va vous crosser

by vanpjm March 5, 2018

Take it like the red cross

A street phrase meaning if you want my money/drugs/property, you're going to have to fight/kill me to get it.

Would be robber: Give me your money!

Not a victim: Take it like the red cross.

by Rdy2dstry December 17, 2023

Cross country

A sport that suicidal kids play.

Kid: “I’m trying out for the cross country team.”
Mom: “listen, I understand you’re upset, but let’s not think irrationally.”

by fatherfartfathead February 3, 2022

Cross Country

The best sport EVER EXISTED. By running Cross Country a human will transcend pass the normal human state and become undefeatable in life. In order to survive the practices and meets, you need to absolutely believe in your coach because he/she has been through this kind of practice and is now a metahuman. However, once you survive a few seasons of Cross Country, you will start to transcend like your coach and captain have experienced before you. What are you waiting for? Join Cross Country and start making your life better right NOW!

A: "Why does Kurtis never fail in anything he does?"

B: "He coaches Cross Country and he was a varsity Cross Country runner."
A: "Oh really? Where can I sign up for Cross Country? I need that in my life RIGHT NOW!!!!"

by feelsDepressed November 4, 2017

cross country

Cross country might be the gayest shit on the planet. It is known that cross country athletes frequently engage in homosexual activities with their coaches.

Whoa those guys having an orgy are on the cross country team

by the man 1222356 September 18, 2021

Cross Country

A very fun sport that requires a god-like mentality. Is available from middle school through college. Those who run cross country are absolute gods and are, by definition, chads. They don't care what others think and strive for self-improvement. It is definitely a sport like no other. The team is very friendly and respectful because they understand the sport. Those who shit on the sport don't even remotely know the pain and grit that cross country runners endure, and this is speaking from personal experience. They are true athletes, meaning they have an everlasting dedication to the sport. The team consists of the most physically fit people you will ever lay your eyes upon. The training is painful, from core exercises to tempos. Other sports cancel practices due to weather, but not cross country, oh no. They'll train in a fucking hurricane hailstorm hybrid. The day before a race, they will hold an event known as a pasta party where you eat a lot of pasta to carb up for it. The races are 5 kilometers long (3.1 miles) most of the time and are on terrain (steep hills, mud, dirt, etc). Once you're done running the race, you get runner's high and feel insanely good. All in all, Cross Country goes hard and is worth it!

Person 1: Hey have you heard of Cross Country?
Person 2: Yes. It's literally just running.
Person 1: No it's not. It's about self-improvement and bettering yourself.

by PixelatedRetro September 11, 2022