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scene kids

around where we live, scene kids are usually short- to- medium height and very skinny, with the occasional porker, who unfortunately, tries to fit into the same size clothes. they usually have long or shoulder-length spiky hair dyed black, with caramel-looking patches. the girls seem to love the miniskirts & leggings trend. despite their somewhat-appealing exterior, they're very narcissistic and only care about themselves and other people scene enough for them. all non-scene kids secretly hate them.

riding the bus with the scene kids became a very depressing thing for young nikki.

by philphleira nachitaki September 29, 2006

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Scene Kid

A style of dress and act in the late 2000s, that many believe to have died out, but some people still live the scene kid life. Scene kids usually wear dark makeup, with either black or bright eye shadow. Some have piercings. Many have dyed hair, either bright colors or natural. It's common to have either streaks of hair dye or coontail extensions. Hair styles are a fringe, cut by the scene kids themselves. Clothes can be dark t shirts with bright designs, usually from bands. Also, tight skinny jeans, which can be black, blue, or any bright color. Shoes are flats, converse high tops or knee highs, or vans. Scene kids also wear a lot of necklaces, and either rubber or beaded bracelets. MySpace is not as popular anymore, scene kids use Instagram or FriendProject to post pictures. Scene kids act confident and a little self centered, but if you know one in real life, you know that is not how they always are. They are interested in hardcore bands such as Asking Alexandria , Bring Me The Horizon , and Attack Attack, or softer bands like BrokeNCYDE and Blood On The Dance Floor. Scene kids also like childish things like Hello Kitty, Pokemon (pikachu in particular), and Invader Zim. Scene kids can be friends with people who aren't scene, but prefer to be with people who have similar interests and style. They look up to scene kids from the 2000s like AmbrehhhIsDead , KikiKannibal , Lexi Lush , and Vanna Venom . They also use internet slang from the 2000s.

xXxK3llyCata$tr0ph3xXx: "I wish I knew another real scene kid!! Scene is soo not dead ://"
xXSarahSlaught3rXx: "Haizz!!! I'm a scene kid 2!!!"
xXxK3llyCata$trp0ph3xXx: "Yayz!!! I wuvs chuuuu!!! Rawr xD"
xXSarahSlaught3rXx: "ILY 222222 Rawr xDD"

by xXxK3llyCatastr0ph3xXx November 4, 2018

Bigman Scene

An embarrassing occurrence leaving people to stare at you with pity or disgust followed normally by hysterical laughter.

The gangsta pulled a Bigman Scene when he tripped over the curb and chipped his tooth. awkward

by Udian October 20, 2008

scene baby

A child conceived unintentionally during a porno shoot.

Jamie Luxxx quit porn because she had a mixed-race scene baby.

by Tadkins December 9, 2016

Nativity Scene

At a wildland fire a group of Chiefs, 3 or more, (usually Local Agency) that stand around and watch a wildfire running and getting bigger. They usually have their arms crossed and thoughtful expression on their faces.

As you're ariving on scene.

Check out the Nativity Scene over there.

by Alistair MacIlherron September 22, 2009

good scene

A nice, or pleasant occurrence.

"Hey dude look I got the best grades in my class!"
"Wow, good scene."

by SNKB August 20, 2015

make a scene

The Dog Who whether he pulls it all together or creates it himself he " Makes A Scene "

Doing cartwheels and popping balloons he's Make A Scene

by The SASfam March 4, 2021