During cunnalingus a guy pulls the tampon out by the string and shakes his head side to side leaving bloody stripes across his face.
A guy went down on me when I was on my period and had a tampon in. He was so animalistic, he pulled it out with his teeth and shook his head back and forth, leaving tiger stripes on his face.
After frolicking with a flaccid on the nude beach in the sun I was surprised to find my erect penis had tiger stripes.
When you're overzealous wiping after a curry. Poo on bum cheek
"Last night I wiped really quickly and Tiger Striped my left cheek"
The act of shitting in ones hands with the intent to smear feces over another persons body in a downward stroke creating "tiger stripes" on another.
Chad: I fucking hate that dude so much... watch me give him some "Tiger Stripe(s)".
*proceeds to shit in hand, walks over to "Bernarnd" and wipes his hand down Bernard's chest*
Chad: I just gave you Tiger Stripes bud, be happy!
Bernard: Ok, cool...thanks Chad!
Chad: You are welcome bud, anytime!
The term “tiger stripes” refers to the scars made due to self-harm. Self-harm colors are known as orange and black like a tiger to back this up.
My mom walked in on me changing and saw my tiger stripes the other day!
Guy "hey man u got any dog food? I've been starving for weeks."
Buddy " nah man but I got some tiger chow that will keep u up for days if u wanna turn your life around ."
The "heavy duty" evil twin to the famous pro-golf player.
Nobody wants to caddy for Tiger Irons, since all of his clubs are super-weighty metal-headed drivers --- no sissy wimpy "tree-fiber" drivers for HIM, thank you very much!