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Calendar Friend

The term for a close friend whom you used to hang out with often, but now see only rarely such as at birthday parties for mutual friends and other special social events. Often these encounters are awkward as mutual friends bring you together obligatorially, not voluntarily.

Friend 1: "Have you seen or spoken to Bob at all?"

Friend 2: "No, I haven't. We used to hang all the time, but kind of had a falling out and we don't talk all that much any more. He's just a calendar friend."

by Epinionator September 27, 2010

Tactical friending

When you have no mutual friends with your crush on Facebook, so you friend people so you don't look weird when you add them.

Zaki: Who's that buff girl over there?

Tahmid: idk but I think her name's Hannah

Zaki: Never seen her before, I might have to start doing some tactical friending

mutual friend cyber stalking insta bae

by Terrshamidul October 22, 2015

Therapist friend

A person who is always there and always tries to help. Synonyms include, Nico.

Yk, I rly wish I had a therapist friend rn

by Nicothepeco April 26, 2022

cactus friend

A friend with whom constant and consistent interaction is not necessary. Like a cactus, a friendship with them can survive extremely extended periods without contact.

Jen is a cactus friend, I hadn't spoken to her in six months and we went out last night like we haven't been apart at all.

I'm not a cactus friend, I need to hang out or talk more than once every six months.

by Gayth May 10, 2018

Friend Chameleon

One who develops interests simply to have something in common with someone they want to become friends with.

Max is such a friend chameleon, he used to hate county music!

by Ssaamm2233 April 16, 2015

Friend Up

F U.. or Friend Up means to step up as a friend and do something a friend requests; or to hangout. It can also mean to become friends with someone. Like the term 'man up', it's almost the same, but.. friend up means 'be a friend'. Friend Up is changing the way people see the abbreviation F U.

Example 1:
Person 1: Dude come inside the beer store with me
Person 2: I can't bro I'm way too high to handle seeing people right now
Person 1: Come on man... Friend Up
Example 2:
Person 1: Hey do you want to Friend Up?
Person2: Ya lets do it

by Friend Up January 13, 2015

Organic Friending

1. The act of getting off your lazy duff and away from your life sucking computer to actually meet some people in the REAL WORLD! (You know, like when there were no computers, Internet or smart phones) ;->

Txt Message 1. Hey Rod, let's go out and do some organic friending tonight at the night club instead of sitting here all night pushing buttons staring at a screen.

Txt Message 2. Ok Billy Bob...Let's Do It!

by A Real Organic Friend December 8, 2010