A type of Fort you make made out of toilet paper which usually results as being caught and kicked out
Janie made a toilet paper fort in walmart
The official name for accessible toilets in China, translated literally from its original Chinese-language counterpart.
Kyle: Hey, I took this disabled guy into the deformed man's toilet yesterday.
Chris: Why are you calling accessible toilets that?
Kyle: Just because I want to. I love going to the bathroom in China.
A person (typically the leader of a sizeable household) that rations out bungwipe on an as-needed basis.
The need for toilet paper wardens became evident when the COVD-19 (coronavirus) pandemic of 2020 caused massive hoarding (and subsequent depletion) of rollios across the United States.
Kim has volunteered to become the toilet paper warden of the Trowbridge household because little Heidi upstairs has been going through massive amounts of paper toliets in attempts to grow algae and fungi in cups.
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-a piece of literature that more people should use it to wipe their ass, then reading it
Romeo and Juliet is toilet paper literature. Once I ran out toilet paper to wipe my ass, so I use a page of that shitty book to get the job done.
Nigga Mountain Toilet (allso known as NMT) is a rituall where a man of african heritage sitts on a toilet atop a mountain (taller than about 100 meters above sea level). the man is often seen reading the news but it is not necessary to create the NMT phenomenon
Ah man look at that dude! he is doing the Nigga mountain toilet
(1) In a bathroom, the least used and cleanest toilet will be the one that the eye travels to last.
(2) The cleanest toilet will never be the stall closest to the door, nor the one furthest from it, unless it is a stall handicap.
(3) The higher in elevation, the cleaner and less used the toilet.
“Bro, I can’t find a clean bathroom on campus...”
“Dude, just follow Garland’s Law of Toilets, the cleanest one is the third stall in the fourth floor library bathroom.”
when you walk in the school toilets and there pooooop and waz all over de walll.
Look at those people they look like the secondary school toilets.