wnever mariska hargitay does something.
Mariska Hargitay breathes? big dick energy
A sentance used to describe a big, juicy, wet, long-lasting, blowing fart.
S:Yooo, I heard someone pull an Emil's big tornado!
A:Cool! I haven't heard it yet.
Eloise is the man in your relationship you faggot
Eloise you big man female
The biggest of big men and can lift a car. He can wiggle his ears very well and is epic at Mario cart
Look at that big man his name must be big man finlay
A) A tuba but bigger
B) Weight-loss company
C) A car that won't fit in my garage
D) That baby that's always crying on the airplane.
Me and my brother play the Big Carl for our school band.
A magic the gathering term for a creature with high stats
A: I'll play an 8/8
B: Wow, that's a big beefer!
Something is BNC if it surpasses a 60% score ie just making it or barely passing a class then it is considered BNC
Person 1: these dishes have crumbs on them
Big Nate: nah it’s big Nate certified