Source Code

May 10-15

National kiss your bf/gf week

When you kiss your bf or gf multiple times a day everyday for a week randomly or each time you see them

“Hey Logan!”
“Yeah bby

“It’s national kiss week

From may 10-15

by Suck_me May 10, 2021

5👍 1👎

What's 9+10

Some random ass vine made by some random ass black kid claiming 9+10=21 (obviously no racism intended)

Guy - "You Stupid."
Kid - "No I'm not."
Guy - "What's 9+10?"
Kid - "21."
Guy - "You Stupid."

by 1080p October 5, 2014

670👍 205👎

10 seconds flat

A term used by bronies when they boast that they can do something fast. It originated from ep. 1 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic when Rainbow Dash stated that she could "Clear all the clouds from the sky in 10 seconds flat"

Hey, I just beat your best time in Mario Cart!" "Meh, I could do it in 10 seconds flat.


95👍 24👎

10 second car

A car that can complete a quarter mile starting from a standstill in 10 seconds or less

packed with 620 horses, the ferrari 599 gtb fiorano flies by the quarter mile marker making it a 10 second car

by dew2229 May 13, 2009

224👍 65👎

Scale of 1-10

A scale used by some men in conversation about women rating how attractive a particular woman is. The ugliest being 1 and hottest being 10. Exact description of each number from 1-10 varies. One example is:
10 - "Will you marry me?"
9 - Stunning
8 - Beautiful/Gorgeous
7 - Cute/Pretty
6 - "She's 'ight"
5 - Average looking
4 - Below average
3 - Ugly
2 - Hidious
1 - "Kill it before it lays eggs!"

"On a scale of 1-10, what would you give her?"
"Hmm, I'll say she's a 7 at least, 9 on a good day."

by ricosuavey September 12, 2016

29👍 4👎

1-10 Scale

1 – Beyond Ugly

2 – Ugly

3 – Near Ugly

4 – Below average

5 – Average: You’re friends wouldn’t be impress!

6 – Above Average/Cute: No major complaints.

7 – Very Attractive/Hot/Pretty or Handsom: Someone you’re proud to show off in public. He or She gets a lot of attention.

8 – “Beautiful” (man or woman)/All of a 7 and more: Brag about having.

9 – Drop-dead Gorgeous/Outrageously Beautiful/All of an 8 and more: minimal flaw that is over looked by most.

10 – close to “Perfect”/One in a million: This person has a very beautiful symmetrical face, excellent body with great proportion, dresses well, knows how to carry himself or herself...

How hot is he/she on the 1-10 Scale?

by T247 December 9, 2010

800👍 266👎

10 Day Death

1. Phrase used to describe or implicate that a person your friend/friends had sex with might not be clean from an STD or related disease.

2. Just something to say to your friend/friends after having sex with a slut, whore, tramp, etc. to make fun of him/her. Make them think about what he/she just did in horror.

Dude: “I can’t believe you just did that man!”
Dude 2: “What? She’s clean?”
Dude: “Yea right, you got that 10 day death dude!”

by Dum Genius June 7, 2006

15👍 2👎