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Who ate all the pies?! Who ate all the pies?! You fat bastard! You fat bastard! You ate all the pies!!!

something you chant at fat people

ben iggo: yum pies

some guy:"Who ate all the pies?! Who ate all the pies?! You fat bastard! You fat bastard! You ate all the pies!!!"

by Danman11 June 18, 2006

32👍 31👎

stupid fucking retard bastard ass fucker cunt dick

when you nut in her ass

you stupid fucking retard bastard ass fucker cunt dick

by Womanbeater455 August 10, 2017

7👍 7👎

Jobbie cowken peely-wally boaby bitin puggie twat bastard

The Scottish equivalent of fuckmonkey.

Aye fok off ya wee jobbie cowken peely-wally boaby bitin puggie twat bastard

by The Insult Man November 21, 2022

goddamn motherfucking cuntkissing cocksucking dicklicking scaggy scuzzy sleazy slutty twobit three tit son of a whore bitten bastard

1) The response you recieve if you call my dad a bitch.
2) The perfect way to describe Kolton(Kole) Tillett also known as Bakon the dumbfuck.
Adj. used as an insult to another who cannot be defined by any known insult already used.
To use with women end with three tit skank ass whore

"Kole you are a goddamn motherfucking cuntkissing cocksucking dicklicking scaggy scuzzy sleazy slutty twobit three tit son of a whore bitten bastard"or to a female: I can't believe you slept with my man you goddamn motherfucking cuntkissing cocksucking dicklicking scaggy scuzzy sleazy slutty twobit three tit skank ass whore"

by BitchesAintSnitches June 1, 2022

double decker cheese loaded bastard

so this bastard took a double decker, and loaded it with cheese. crazy

"Hey, take a look at this double decker cheese loaded bastard. He's afraid of the imminent heat death of the universe, what a loser." *skateboards away*

by 6aXL September 30, 2020

born again bastard

A Born Again bastard is someone who was born out of wedlock but who’s parents then marry.

Congrats, you’re now a born again bastard.

by MrsPez December 3, 2017

Movie Bastard

A Movie Bastard is a person who destroys any enjoyment to be found in a film via spoiling every single goddamn aspect of the story and characters.

Bob - “Woah! That kid is a weirdo!”

Sam - “No he’s not, he just sees dead people.”

Bob - “Fuck you Sam, you’re such a movie bastard!”

Same - “Ok.”

by Mystical Idiot December 3, 2023