up his own arse, twat, attention-seeking, self-centered, pompous, git, shags seagulls for a living :)
Ben Yau
To pull a Ben is to do something which is very headass or to be a headass
*Group chat decides to buy concert tickets together at a Chicago location*
One person in the group buys tickets for themselves and one other person for the Atlanta location instead
Another person in the group chat might say, "Wow they're really pulling a Ben right now"
This guy is a mega pedo and stinks of shit his favourite victim is his smaller brother who always gets violated constantly
That’s guys a Ben Sullivan we need to go
Ben Kaye is a term used to describe a nonce or a person who likes younger girls as well as describing Minecrafters across the world.
The Biggest nut sack to ever exist on this planet. Loves harassing boy and their food, Touches to much booty 24/7, And loves big booty chloe's.
" Ben h. eats booty for breakfast, Lunch, And dinner
An extremely cute lizard whom is world wide famous for wearing hats and hating his owner
Have you seen Ben the lizards newest video?!