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The guy who became president because everyone hated Trump more.

Person 1: "Ugh, I still can't believe Biden won. Everything has gone to shit these past years."
Person 2: "Hey, at least it isn't Trump, right?"
Person 1: "...huh, good point."

by McDaddy's Meanings March 8, 2023


A Unit a Monetary measurement. One Biden Equals Five Dollars.

What was once a Buck is now a Biden!

by SecertSlutPounder October 7, 2022


1. Someone who cannot drive properly, a terrible, selfish, slow driver.
They plant themselves in the fast lane (AKA passing lane, or left most lane.) Always doing UNDER the speed that is acceptable by other drivers on that road. Yet, he/she refuses to move over. These humans take it PERSONALLY that you want them to get out of your way.

They usually don't use blinkers and take every turn in extra slow motion. Some of them even come to a complete stop in the E-ZPass lane while going through a toll.

2. A person who gets offended by everything and whines about it openly.. He/She will sometimes CAUSE drama if they have none to be upset about. (also known as twatties, twats, and Karens.)

Omg James just pass that frigging biden ! It's been a mile and he still hasn't gone over 73 mph !

If this Biden doesn't get out of the fast lane I might ram into the back of his Subaru Outback !

by JessNJ January 28, 2021


To not know what you're doing, and fuck shit up in the process, and expect positive results.
Also a major fuck up on a large scale.

Man, I told you not to drive the forklift off the dock, you biden'ed that shit up.

Francis Scott key bridge fell down. Man that MF driving the boat was Biden.

by satanlucifer June 22, 2024


To accept anything, to the point of screwing yourself, and not know what's going on.

Man, the Indian in the store charged you $8.50 for a Mt. Dew, you're so Biden.

I saw your mom picking up dudes in the bar, and you're dad came and picked her up when she got too drunk. That's fucking Biden

by satanlucifer June 22, 2024


A man with low self esteem brought on early by male pattern baldness and the inability to tell the truth about himself or the many accomplishments he never achieved. His racist and bigoted remarks go back to his humble beginnings when he was married with four children while having extra-marital relations with a then 15 year old babysitter named Jill who eventually cheated on her first husband and later became Bidens wife. Biden is a proud member of the "M.A.P.S." Organization (Minor Attracted Person) and can frequently be found in a nearby ice cream shop sniffing small children and making inappropriate comments about their age gap. Nicknamed "Pedo Pete" by his son Hunter, Biden spends his days in hiding waiting for his next dose of amphetamines to kick in so he can go out and conquer all the Corn Pops of the world. Biden is a professional liar with horrible speaking skills and a loose sphincter.

Biden likes to shower with his teenage daughter.

by 9lb Johnson June 24, 2024


the sexiest man alive loves falling and eating ice cream also enjoys sniffing hair

Biden Tried to Rape Me last Night

by The Most sexiest man alive🍆😫 December 10, 2023