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Ass blast

A scientific term used to define an overload in any given quantum substance in a small point, resulting in the manifestation of an incorporeal asshole around the border of the spot, which will unleash a loud and sharp ass ripping blast of the element to disperse it.

Scientists recently witnessed an Ass blast of time due to a influx from an alternate dimension

by Shroompuff March 27, 2020

Ass blast

My favorite type of sushi at McDonald’s

I love the ass blast what about you

by K0nrad January 27, 2020

History blasting

The activity of hurriedly getting rid of the browser history before your wife goes on the laptop - therefore nullifying getting into serious trouble when your wife finds "midget sucking off a donkey dick".

Forgetting to History Blast can result in divorce, violence and in some cases, prosecution. See Gary Glitter for details.

However, History Blasting only works alongside "Innocent Browser History Restoration" (IBHR) where the individual looks at mundane pages like the weather, football results, funny cat videos and questions like "can dogs smell farts before they come out" so as to cover up the period spent furiously wanking over Brazilian Scat porn.

How's Dave?

Not good - he forgot to do his history Blasting and now his wife wants a divorce.

Silly cunt. Should have History Blasted

by Daphne Widethigh December 20, 2017

chicken blast

when you sneak into a room with a box of chicken and blast it all over some douchebag, biscuits and wings fly everywhere.

person one: knocks on the door
person two: hello
person one: come closer
person two: huh
person one: flings the door open and throws the chicken

everyone laughs.

by Deeznutssssss December 27, 2010

Power blasted

Power blast is to Rattle a girl whilst she's bent over.

A power blasted that girl from the club the other day.

by aftab'd June 14, 2016

Power Blasted

When a man shoots his cum so intensely into a woman’s eye it blinds her.

Girl 1: Girl why you lookin at me like that

Girl 2: My mans came in my eye last night, I cant see!!

Girl 1: Girl you got Power Blasted!!

by Bunderwall April 16, 2022

Megaplenis Blast


Andrew: Says something stupid

by Pemherz June 27, 2024