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A man that is transitioning to female and has started taking hormones, developing breasts.

She's a weiner-boobs.

by Aneedadix March 2, 2018

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Boob split

(noun/ verb) when a well endowed woman jumps with a bit too much enthusiasm causing her breasts to do a 180ยฐ from each other

While dancing Black Silk's boob split drew all the boys to the yard!

by Scrappy Diva July 23, 2017

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Swunder boob

(noun) The sweat found from under your breast. Non Gender Specific.

"Man, I have crazy swunder boob going on today."

by Sevenroblind January 10, 2010

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The breasts on some women (usually cute little butchy boy-lookin women) that can easily be mistaken as not having the distinct characteristics of a woman's breast. Only at the right angle can the viewer tell that the woman is a woman.

Ethan: "Hey Indy, is that a boy or girl over there with the purple hair?"

Indigo: "That's a tough one, but...oh check out the hide-a-boobs. I caught em at the right angle. Its a girl."

by Ethan Twiford October 11, 2013

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jello boob

Boobs that jiggle so much with every movement that they look like a two bowls full of jello.

Man! Look at those jello boobs. I want to motorboat them or set those puppies free.

by ambs1214 March 27, 2011

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Zucchini boobs

When a set of female breasts are set far apart, sag low, and are pressed against the chest. Looking like two hanging zucchinis.

Wow those are some low-hanging zucchini boobs..

by bubsters February 14, 2018

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Plummers Boob

Plummers boob is when a girls boobs are squeezed togther and there cleavage makes it look like a Plummers butt crack.

Dang that girl has a bad case a Plummers boob.

by Mustache Moses November 16, 2012

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