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California State University, Chico

A cool-ish school in Northern California with a beautiful campus, nice facilities, and an acceptable quantity and quality of textbooks, but with sporadic shitty faculty. Your grades don't reflect your knowledge, they reflect how much a teacher likes you. You won't learn anything. Waste your time at a great place for spending time in a neat place where you can do personal study, and where the only people who have half a monkey's clue what they're doing here are the students, who tend to be friendly and polite for the most part. Parties are lamer than cheesy high school parties, but the crowd tends to be nice. Enjoy your otherwise comfortable and sanitary stay and the beautiful scenery. Plus side? Nice bars in town, and the Sierra Nevada brewery, and nice restaurants. And keep it hillbilly. :)

Douched #1: Yo dude, I got an F in this class at California State University, Chico, even though I did all the work and answered everything right, and handed it all in time! And I went to all the classes, because if you're absent more than the allowed time, you fail, because they take fucking roll like it's goddam pre-school!
Douched #2: That's because you didn't pleasure your Nazi teacher in a Satanist way and lucked out by not getting one of the cool ones. Don't bother petitioning, monkeys will not help you. Only the books in the library and bookstore can make your time here educationally worthwhile if your teacher is a Nazi.

by TheRealTonyJaa November 12, 2011

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California, Oregon and Washington state

I'm a Cajun and these communists are actually being racist against people like us. Funny thing is, they don't understand that we are the true (white) Americans along with Native Americans; and their communist asses don't belong in our country. (please: go to Canada instead) and we've been here probably far longer than they have. get out of our country if you're not white or native amerindian. go back to where you came from

Boycott all of their music and bands, too. fuck communism fuck marxism. fuck antifa. fuck tool. fuck maynard james keenan. fuck rage against the machine. fuck ministry. fuck you all, kiss my cajun ass. move your asses back to Canada and get the fuck out of MY country , douchebags. fuck internationalism

fuck green day, fuck nirvana, fuck mudhoney, fuck quarterflash, fuck night ranger, fuck modest mouse. fuck sub pop records. fuck seattle, san francisco and portland. fuck them all. you got it? good. You people are not true Americans. You're closeted communists. now fuck off.

Go ahead and be annexed by Canada, since you like them so much; and they like socialism also- you PC Marxist communist hypocritical dickheads. fuck counter culture and fuck marxism. the american constitution is here to stay

California, Oregon and Washington state - and maybe even Hawaii - should be annexed to Canada. go right the fuck ahead, we (Cajuns and Native Americans - aka the REAL americans) won't miss you people. you transplant marxist scum

by Abraham's Adversary February 16, 2019

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California Car Pool

when two or more people carpool (ride together to the same destination) primarily for the purpose of
1) saving gas
2) saving time and/or
3) getting to go on the carpool lane.

Dude! California car pool with me, and we'll reach there in half the time 'cause we can use the carpool lane!

by AishFan January 19, 2008

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California Volcano Burger

It's when after an episiotomy, a girl shits out of her vagina while you're eating her out.

"I went down on this girl I've been dating and wow she had a California Volcano Burger waiting for me"

by J.D. Ross August 1, 2008

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California Kickball Five Base League

A new five-base system adopted to refer to sexual activity. California kickball has five bases, and that is the metaphor used. First base is making out. Second is breasts. Third is a handjob. Fourth is a blowjob. And home is the obvious.

Dude, Alex was totally dominating the California Kickball Five Base League last night. That kid's got game.

by Cum-czar May 2, 2009

217๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

California Kickball Five Base League

A new five-base system adopted to refer to sexual activity. California kickball has five bases, and that is the metaphor used. First base is making out. Second is groping. Third is a handjob or fingering. Fourth is a blowjob or eating out. And home is the obvious.

And for those people who happen to skip a base, they chill out at the pitchers mound.

And for those extra special people who are extremely innocent, they are still trying find their way to the field from the parking lot.

Joe couldn't get anywhere in the California Kickball Five Base League last night... his asian roommate was there.

by rejca May 5, 2009

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Baja California rolling stop

root: California rolling stop

when driving in Mexico and you blow through a stop sign. reasons for executing a baja california rolling stop include: not seeing the stop sign because: a) it is non-reflective and difficult to see in low light, b) the intersection it is placed at makes no sense at all and does not even need a stop sign, c) it is hidden behind trees or other obstructive objects, d) the stop sign is bent and is not even facing in the driver's direction

dude, noah totally just pulled a baja california rolling stop. he blew through that stop sign on the way to el paisa.

by troyharris March 19, 2011

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