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system of a down

The most awesome band of all time. from songs taht have possibly no meaning (i.e.:bounce, she's like heroine, kill rock 'n' roll, vicinity of obscenity, if there's meaning to those i missed it and i will ask to be killed my ninjas later) to ones that are entirly true and "moving" (i.e.:BYOB, soldier side, u-fig, chop suey, etc.). if you don't like them, go tell a ninja a ghost story, seriously, i dare you.

Dude: System of a down is fuckin awesome
Fag: dude, they suck
Dude: go walrus yourself

by HumBleNinJa March 1, 2006

32πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

system of a down

SOAD RULE!! who every tinks otherwise should be sent to hell and stay there for eternity because of their crimes against nature because system of a down rule.

" I hate System of a down they suc........ aaaaaaaaaa the pain!"

by Shadowblade September 16, 2005

58πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

down ... all the way down!

"down ... all the way down!" is what the guy with his hard dick in your mouth says to you, his cocksucker, when he wants you to take more of his cock in your mouth so he can get it down your throat.

I sucked this dude in the cadet showers this morning, and he kept saying "down ... all the way down!" so he could have a cumgasm down my throat!

by USAF Cadet June 20, 2021

188πŸ‘ 251πŸ‘Ž

Pipe down

Another way of saying "be quiet" or "shut up", except it is more firm and usually more effective.

Tina: Parker, PIPE DOWN! I am trying to do my homework!
Parker: No Tina, YOU pipe down! I am too busy being crazy and getting turnt!

by The_Tru_Baller November 13, 2015

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

pheonix down

a pheonix down is what you use in most final fantasy games
to revive a "knocked out" allie. Most ppl have got KO'ed
in ff as being "killed off" it just meens knocked out!
thats why they couldnt revive aerith! she was "killed off"
not "knocked out"

"oh, crap! my whole party is dead and i only have 12 hp!
time for a phenoix down! *short pause(using pheonix down)
... DAMNIT!! i used it on myself!! NOOOOO!!!! *dead*

by joshxx March 22, 2007

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

system of a down

A good modern alt-metal band from armenia. songs are generally very catchy but with cryptic lyrics from a derranged mind.

System of a Down's next album is due late 2004-early 2005.

by heya August 25, 2004

53πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Clam down

It’s not calm down it’s clam down

Cara-β€œclam down brodksi”
Bria-β€œITS CALM”
Cara-β€œno it’s clam”

by Clammy123 July 26, 2018

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž