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Gas Money Ap

An adjective or noun used to describe something that one finds cool or punker.

Benj: β€œDid you go to the concert last night?”
Kaio: β€œYeah! It was Gas Money AP!”

by notagangsta69 April 20, 2022

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Recharge the gas light

Putting so little gas in your vehicle that the gas light is still on when leaving the station.

I'm so broke that I always just recharge the gas light so I can drive to the store and grab a 40.

by JBarber March 19, 2012

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sweaty gas tank

(Noun) Term coined in Houston Texas at the winter weekend BBQ. When about to engage in coitus with a Thai lady boy you reach down and slowly slide your finger into an inside out urethra. You then wipe your hands on a dirty rag

β€œHey Greg, how hot was that Thai chick?”
β€œMan, that wasn’t a chick. I just got a sweaty gas tank”

by DDC ATL November 11, 2017

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Arabian Gas Pump

When a male sticks his cock in a females vagina and pisses (to "fuel" her up)

Man did you hear that TYler did the "Arabian Gas Pump" to Kaitlen yoast last night.

by Ty Is Gay September 13, 2008

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Dutch Gas Chamber

Like the dutch oven, but instead your having sex with a girl and you fart then trap her under the covers. All while your still fucking her.

I was fucking her and had to fart so i trapped her under the covers and gave her a Dutch Gas Chamber.

by GCCB August 25, 2009

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baba ga douche

An uncommon derogatory (and childish) term for arabs and other middle easterners. Used by Americans, and obviously derived from the term "douchebag," via ignorantly groping for any word evocative of the region.

"I joined up so I could drop bombs on Babagadouche."

by Ian June 12, 2004

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Fat guy gas

A type of gaseous irritant which causes burning of the eyes, swelling and post-nasal drip in obese individuals only.

Dude, did someone release some kind of gas that only effects fat people? <(Fat guy gas)

by GeneralCane May 19, 2009

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