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grand slam

anal sex

4th base?
No. Grand slam! Right in the ass!

by bcimchuckbass February 23, 2014

Grand Slam

Having sex with 3 women at the same time and having enough stamina to give all 3 of them an orgasm before you yourself have an orgasm.

Dude I had a grand slam last night!

by Agentzippo July 7, 2015

Grand hot

Someone who respect nothing with a snooty attitude ,impolite, narcisic and a entitled spoiled brat person.

There was a club with women sitting around and grand hot, horrible poeple who just brag around . The kind of person you just want to kill.

by JohnnyDie August 17, 2018

Grand Canyon

Large, gaping, smelly void between Marjorie Taylor Greene's legs. Some have compared it to the Sarlacc from Star Wars. Others compare it to the dentition of Stephen King's character Pennywise.

That smell from MTGs "Grand Canyon" is probably worse than the smell of 1000 rotting tuna.

by April 25, 2021

Grand Canyon

The act of taking a shit so wide that your asshole is left open, and appears to be a gorge like the Grand Canyon

I ate a ton of fiber this week, so when I shit today, I Grand Canyon'd myself.

by juiceappleton January 5, 2017

Grand Canyon

A huge pussy

Let’s say you will have a Grand Canyon after this

by Jackparker November 2, 2017

Grand canyon

Mona's fitta

"Bror haru sett Mona elr hone cok kattig"
> Nej bror hon har Grand Canyon fitta

by Grandcanyonexplorer69 May 15, 2020