The wee hours of the night begining at 5am and ending at 6am
Im in the scrimblin hours tonight!
Bread hour occurs when our German teacher throws his heel of the bread into the class as the class
When a guy only hits you up to "hangout" between the hours of 11pm-3am, usually only for sex.
"I will only hangout with that slut Jessica during bird hours because I don't want to be seen with her."
When Tyler can't sort his life out so waits up until 3:25 when all his confusion goes for 1 hour
Fuck me sam my heads gone.
Wait up until confused nigga hours bro that'l sort ya
Span of time used to bitch about work or life in general. Can be considered a therapy session.
I am so frustrated with my co-workers, I need a crappy hour with friends.
The new-normal hours worked by Americans, meaning any hour during the course of a day, regardless of day of week or year. The absence of a "weekend" or "holiday."
Heres's my business card. You can contact me anytime...I keep Santa Claus Hours.