A gift bestowed upon us mortals by the almighty God. It is the sole reason for existence on this earth.
Grandma: okay kids, what treat do you want?
Flexing- Showing off
Ice- expensive jewelry (usually gold or diamonds)
Flexing ice- showing off expensive jewelry
Look at that fool Tim flexing ice over there even though he's broke.
When you have protected sex and after climaxing you save the condom in the fridge for later use. The next day or several days later you use the previous condom by flipping it inside out and putting the condom on. You partner then performs oral sex on you while seeming to lick the "icing" off the icing bag. When you have to come to completion for the second time inside the condom, you then cut the tip off the condom and use it like an icing bag to feed your partner.
Mom: What were you both dong last night to make all that noise?
Son: Oh, dont worry. I was just giving my girlfriend an icing bag.
Someone who has slipped on ice.
“He’s a repeating Ice Slipper”
“Hey look it’s an ice chimp”
“Ice chimps food taste like plain doodoo”
1. A storage and withdrawal area of ice
2. Shortend from ice bank mice elf, ultimately being used as a sign of community. MUST BE SAID OUT LOUD
Johnny: Hey you up to anything later?
Haseeb: ICE BANK!
Johnny: lol wtf?
When your deep in a girl and you find out she's cold as ice, so when you pull out your chillin with a rock hard popsicle.
" Bruh, how was it banging that chick last night, i heard she's a heart breaker?"
"Yeah man, i was pullin ice."