Jess is a very sexy bugga goes for very sexy men. Especially boys called Ryan.
Omg that’s Jess
Jess Is Such A Nice Person , She Always Asks How You Are Doing!
Jess : Are You Alright Angelo ?
Me : Good Jess Thanks
Jess is a lovely friend but will constantly weave dance into every conversation. They perceive themselves as the Billy Elliot's of the world despite never making it further than their village hall dance lessons.
PERSON 1: I've taken up running
JESS: As a dancer, I'm unable to run as it uses different muscles
PERSON 1: That's such a Jess thing to say! We get it you dance!
Jess, there’s a lot to say from this girl although sometimes she says things that make me want to smack some sense into her head she is always and will always be there when you need her the only reason I would ever be mad at Jess is for being too kind to others she really is something else. Before I met Jess I had never met another girl as sweet, funny, caring, and fun as her she really has it all she has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen she has the best hair any girl could have she is the most loyal person I have ever met yet I seem to always see her as something more but if that’s just a thought of mine I have never been able to connect with a girl like I did with Jess I feel like I spend all day waiting to get home so I can text her. she really is, Jess
Jess is so amazing she feel like from a dream Jess should be known all around the world cause she is the nicest girl I have ever met ;)
jess is just a lil dude.
an adult lil boy.
never blonde. jess watched Scott pilgrim too much.
A woman from the west coast who hates time travel but loves pickles.
There was a sale on pickles yesterday, but Jess refuses to