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Karenicity is a term that describes the behavior or attitude of someone who is exhibiting "Karen-like" behavior. This includes acts of entitlement, demanding to speak to a manager, making unreasonable demands or complaints, and generally being overly aggressive or confrontational in everyday situations. The term is often used to describe someone who is exhibiting a sense of entitlement and a lack of empathy towards others. The word "Karenicity" is derived from the popular internet meme of the "Karen," which has become a cultural shorthand for this type of behavior.

The Karenicity of the customer was off the charts when she demanded to speak to the CEO of the company because her coffee was not hot enough.

by OscarG13 March 4, 2023



(1) A Karen who does what Karens usually do towards people.
(2) Actions toward a person which is usually executed by Karens.

This Karen proceeded to Karenize me at the mall earlier. She was yelling at me and totally looked crazy while searching for the manager to get me fired.

by ISaidWutISaid December 15, 2023


The act of making something acceptable or agreeable to a “Karen”.

Since she didn’t agree with the opinion she decided to Karenize the entire thread.

by Warrior 3 June 8, 2021

Karen Hawking

A Karen that cannot communicate in person but needs a cell phone to police and bitch about everything . A Karen Hawkings needs a cellphone because they are autisic and can’t have verbal communication.

Hey my girlfriend is bitching agian but won’t talk in person about it . Damn bro she might be a Karen Hawking . karen Hawking uses a computer to talk shit not in person tho .

by GroundScorePro July 30, 2022

Karen Horner

What Mercedes F1 team fanboys call Christian Horner (Red Bull F1 team principal) usually right after Mercedes keep up with their history of being the only team to get into a race and complaining the race is too fast, what not surprising can be considered the pinnacle of Karen attitude in motorsport.

Boohoo boohoo, Red Bull had a 1.82 sec pitstop, make it illegal now FIA!!! Hehe here comes the Karen Horner

by J B10 March 13, 2022


Karen is a bitch. She took the fucking kids AGAIN

Karen-I’m taking the fucking kids again

by Iwouldfrickacreeper October 21, 2019


Karen is a bitch. She took the fucking kids AGAIN

Karen-I’m taking the fucking kids again

by Iwouldfrickacreeper October 21, 2019