Sifting through one's poop to find, "treasure". If ever you swallow drugs in effort to smuggle in contraband you will understand...
Hey Mana! Check out this watch I found while poop sluicing! I think it's antique!
Propping yourself up high over your toilet either standing on the seat, or Propping yourself on top of the bathroom stall and pooping into the toilet below.
I was dared to prop myself on top of a bathroom stall at McDonalds and do a skydiver poop.
A kind of fetish, where the man dips his testicles in his partner’s scat.
Typically watery and moist, but is also frequently done with feces that has been left out for over 24 hours.
Mans partner: Hey Babe, do you think we can spice things up tonight and try poop balls?
Man: Yeah, I’ve been excited and meaning to ask for some poop balls for a while.
Weaponizing your excrement into an assault weapon. This not to be confused with war dumping.
Dude, just be assault pooping all over that desk. Yeah, bag it up first. No, it’s not suspicious to roll with a bag of shit.
When your butthole pinches the tail of a turd off and it stays stuck in your anus.
Dude i was taking a shit and my butthole did the poop cleaver and I had to use my finger to get that last nug out.
A phrase meaning that it's time for a bowel movement. More commonly used when speaking to one or more male friends.
I'd say it's about poop-thirty.
The act of pooping while being paid, i.e. Pooping on the job.
I'm not gonna clock out just yet, I wanna take a golden poop.