Arms with excessive cellulose or fat hanging from underneath the bicep. The fat is flabby and flaps like an uncooked tortilla. Expression possibly originating from from South Texas (e.g., McAllen, TX) with respect to large women grinding out tortillas in restaurants.
Dude, Sandra's got some awful tortilla arms. Maybe she could use them as a parachute like a flying squirrel.
Tom, as your wingman, I cannot allow you to go home with a woman with tortilla arms and a beer gut.
When the bæ's grip is so strong, that a handy feels like it's about to rip off
Guy 1- so how was your night with Caroline?
Guy 2- it was good but... I didn't realize how strong armed she was. Still hurts man.
Guy 1- did you cum?
Guy 2- Dern sure
A way to know if you need a condom size bigger than medium. By measuring your penis to your arm, if it's bigger then you need a bigger size.
Hey dad what size condom should I wear? You should use the arm rule. Oh ok
One arm is bigger than the other
Sarah said hey look at my wank arm it's so much bigger
The part in between your forearm and biceps.
Term by @ookamiciro
when one arm is stronger than the other due to a long period of time masturbating with that arm.
guy 1: dude your right arm is quite a big popeye arm. You need to lay off the meat beating.
guy 2: aww crap. do you think any girl will notice this.
When you’re pushing heavy at the gym and suddenly one arm that you don’t fap with as much starts letting you down so you continue the set with your strong boy hand.
Kershit the dickless: sheit mayne that dude is lifting 4 plates with his one hand.
Cetnar de Nark: yeh bro but his left hand is giving out.
Kershit the dickless: fuck you’re right! Fucking looks like those crabs with one big ass claw and their other looks like some retarted prop from the Halloween store.
Cetnar de Nark: yup definitely a crab arm/hand