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Female Crush Friday

Abbreviation more commonly used on the social site instagram as F.emale C.rush F.riday created as a response for MCM (m.en c.rush m.onday)

Today, my Female Crush Friday or FCF is Rihanna

by JVDAGOD June 28, 2019

best friend crush

you really like him but you just tell him your are best so then he will keep talking to you

wow you like your best friend!
yeah but i don’t want to make it weird
so it’s a best friend crush

by lowkeylikehim June 10, 2019

National Crush Day

A day that you confess to your crush. Tell them you like them. Probably get rejected. Any day would be a good day to do that but for those of you looking for a date to put on your calendar, try February 5.

"Hey today is National Crush Day"
"Yeah! Go confess your undying love!!"
"Ahh okay"

by WeGumor January 24, 2020

straight girl crush

When a lesbian gets a crush on a straight girl. The term is usually associated with frustration and unsatisfied longing.

I know Kathy isn't a lesbian like me, but I can't stop fantasizing about her. I've got a bad straight girl crush.

by John Hoff April 19, 2008

95πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

man crush

to be inexplicably attracted to member of the male sex whilst under narcotic influence, particularly ketamine hydrochloride

"if i'm really high on K, i get man crushes"

haw haw...rogues a fag!


by err0r May 22, 2006

15πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž

crush depth buddy

Someone you're going to molest if your submarine is ever on its way to crush depth. If the submarine ever sinks unrecoverable, then the crush depth buddy will be the person you find so you can sexually assault them before you die in a pressure wave incited by the implosion of the submarine. It usually is the youngest looking, cutest sailor with the nicest butt.

"Captain, we're going down!!!" "Okay boys, you know what that means...find your crush depth buddy. Now who's at the top of my list..."

by submariner November 27, 2012

20πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Little Girl Crush

When a girl (any age) has an innocent, non-sexual crush or admiration on an older girl. They can be famous or non-famous people, just any older girl who you admire!

I have such a little girl crush on Joan Jet!!!

by Jawzie October 13, 2009

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