A gay person who denies their gayness or pretends they are not gay. Like, lay away...they are already buying some of it or buying into it but aren't fully invested.
Ex. If you think they're gay, but they deny it. They're a gay-la-way.
A phrase mouth breathing stinky ignorant Yucca tweakers use to signal people from out of town that they aren’t selling enough meth to afford a house.
“Go back to LA, you damn hipsters!”
A glass of cold Pee, with or without ice.
Much to her displeasure, Jodi found that her new lover had left a glass of Las Vegas lemonade on the end table during the night as a sweet reminder of the love that they had shared.
Pronounced "chezzla bro"
Origin: Vancouver/West Vancouver/Whistler/North Vancouver area in Canada
used by people associated with snowboarding and or extreme outdoor sports.
meaning: similar to "chach"; is a person who follows trends and wears expensive trendy clothing but comes off as a douche bag and is chauvinistic. Tends to be loud and obnoxious, likes to show off, but is characteristically naive, immature, self-important, and sleazy.
chez la bros like wearing lacoste and other trendy name-brand clothes and are brand conscious. although they may appear clean cut and are well-groomed they give off a sleazy air.
I don't go to that bar any more since all those chez la bros took over.
Dude, don't pop your collar: you look like a chez la bro.
When they are legally stupid or overall a dumass
Austin you are actually mal a la tete
Definition as Long Live The Leader. I use this everytime i kill a person that hates the leader in game.
some random guard: arrest me
Me: it was worth it lmfao
A kid from miraculous ladybug who has been akumatised so many times. She bullys Marinette Dupain-Cheng and fakes being hurt.
Kid 1: Hey, who is your favourite miraculous ladybug character?
Kid 2: Lie-la Rossi, why?
Kid 3+ kid 1:Uhhhhhh, Isn't she mean?