The act of prolapsing a ginger man’s ass with a traffic cone
Wow, look at his ass!! Bet he’s had a Rusty Kyle!
Running an exorbitant amount of miles then producing a bowel movement that is equal parts blood and feces, which results in a rust colored porcelain disaster.
I ran 100 miles last week, my bathroom has since become a conjuring of Rusty Kramers, non-stop shit and blood painting the inside of my throne.
When you do anal with a female and rub the leftover shit on your cock around and on her minge, making it rusty brown.
I gave that hoe a rusty minge last night.
Excessively ginger person's freckled penis
Is that a dagger i see before me .. oh no its your rusty steel ...
When a man is fingering a woman in the butthole and he takes his finger out and it has poop on it
Trace got a rusty paw after a dirty session with his girl friend
A rough handjob from a hairy burly woodsman with rusty nails
They went to the bathroom an he got a Rusty Russian all night
Rusty Nuts- When your doing her from behind and she starts her period.
Kevin was hammering Mary from behind and she started her period. Now he has rusty nuts.