a Person who is not brainwashed by the media and believes in Facts over feelings
you sound like a tool saying "china virus"
A progressive metal band that formed in 1990 which is commonly thought out to be a rock band but consists of progressive metal. The current people in Tool are
Maynard James Keenan: Singer since 1990
Danny Carey: Drummer since 1990
Adam Jones: Guitars since 1990
Paul D'Amour: Bass 1990 - 1995
Justin Chancellor: Bass since 1995
More info on the wiki page. (Note it says they are a rock band but they are progressive)
Guy 1: Have you listened to Tool?
Guy 2: No whats that
Guy 1: wanna feel high without drugs?
"Ugh Tamlin locked her up he's such a tool"
A slang term for a gun most commonly a pistol or handgun.
"Daddy told me never leave the house with out my TOOL" -YG