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a Person who is not brainwashed by the media and believes in Facts over feelings

you sound like a tool saying "china virus"

by unit623 January 29, 2021


A progressive metal band that formed in 1990 which is commonly thought out to be a rock band but consists of progressive metal. The current people in Tool are
Maynard James Keenan: Singer since 1990
Danny Carey: Drummer since 1990
Adam Jones: Guitars since 1990
Paul D'Amour: Bass 1990 - 1995
Justin Chancellor: Bass since 1995
More info on the wiki page. (Note it says they are a rock band but they are progressive)

Guy 1: Have you listened to Tool?
Guy 2: No whats that
Guy 1: wanna feel high without drugs?

by Bobbychad August 25, 2018


Daniel Michael Marion.

Dan stop being a fucking tool.

by imabsyou June 11, 2005


Crack Cocaine Rocks

You never Carry tools, not even squarey cubes.

by Sicario da Vinci March 19, 2018



"Ugh Tamlin locked her up he's such a tool"

by thesapphicmonarch May 8, 2020


A male who's not a toy.

Fred was a tool so people didn't try to play with him too much.

by Solid Mantis August 3, 2019


A slang term for a gun most commonly a pistol or handgun.

"Daddy told me never leave the house with out my TOOL" -YG

by RyanOG February 24, 2016