A ugly bitch who sucks dick that is this animals passtime
Omg look at that pixel wolf!!!!
Extreme furry that will nom on reps
Black wolf awooo ate my reps again
This is a serious saying for sun shower
person -4: ah, the wolf is giving birth!
person 0: bro, take your meds
person -4: The devil is beating his wife!
Wolfe county— the birthplace of pedophiles, tobacco, and meth heads. If you visit, you may be asked “can i get a chew a’ baccer?” by a wud of chewbubs. there are two correct responses: “yeahhh son, here ya go, you got a dollar?” or “nah dawg, i quit that”.
what’s everyone doing on a Friday night? idk, probably vaping at the park and racing frogs or going at it on the side of the road in ol’ sons blue pickup.
if you’re driving crazy through Campton, you better watch out because them state boys will getcha. if you’re unpopular in school and need a job, don’t even try Dairy Queen.
finally, watch out for the LCO.
1: “have you heard about wolfe county, ky?”
2: “yeah. that’s where the rednecks live.”
The act of suddenly changing lanes for no reason, generally done to mess with the stoners, drunks, or oblivious people who are packed into the back of your car.
You: What's that in the road up there?
Stoners in the backseat: TIMBER WOLF!
*you abrubtly change lanes*
A large and hairy straight man, fit or not.
Dude: " Tim looks like a gay bear."
Girl: " No Tim is straight, he's a pure timber wolf not a bear."